left over city, sweetheart
i have left over halloween candy. i had approximately one trick or treater. he was dressed in his pjs and lives upstairs. i think his parents sent him down because they knew i have candy and felt bad that no one had come to my door.
i just counted. i have 20 kit kats, 27 recees cups,17 almond joy bars and 8 hershey bars.
i'm thinking of melting the hershey bars and making a sculpture, and i just ate one kit kat.
that leaves 63 pieces of candy that i need to do something with.
1 c. chopped up kit kat
2. c. cubed almond joy
1 1/2 c. bourbon
4 oz. celery
27 recees cups
2 sticks of butter
1 bag of sugar
melt chocolate goodies. add butter and sugar. whip into batter. take a shot of the bourbon. smooth chocolate mixture into pan. sprinkle with celery. freeze until next year.
that's all i got.
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